## Introduction
To execute non-interactive work on Pyrene, users can request resources from the cluster computing nodes by submitting batch jobs.
The [Slurm](https://slurm.schedmd.com) scheduler manages the resource allocations for submitted batch jobs on Pyrene:
* The cluster nodes are put in partitions. Each partition allows characterized by . Each partition corresponds to different characteristics
* Depending on their situation, users are put in different Slurm accounts
* A resource allocation must specify a partition, an account, and other parameters such as the maximal execution time and the maximal used memory of the job.
To submit a job:
sbatch script.sh
## Job script examples
Slurm job scripts contains two parts:
1. Slurm directives: starting with #SBATCH, they specify Slurm options.
1. Unix directives: commands to launch your job execution: module loading, program name, etc.
Here are some self-explanatory job script examples for several softwares/applications on Pyrene:
* Sequential (with test file)
* Parallel, shared memory (OpenMP type)
* Parallel, distributed memory (MPI with OpenMPI)
* Parallel, distributed memory (MPI with Intel MPI)
* Gaussian 09 / Gaussian 16
* Molpro
* NBO 6
* OpenTelemac
* R
## Partitions and limits
| **Partition** | **Nodes** | **Account** | **Max cores<br/>per job** | **Min mem<br/>per core (MB)** | **Max mem<br/>per core (MB)** | **Time limit** | **Preempted by** |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| short | n[001-032] | uppa | 8 | 1 | 2000 | 12 hours | - |
| standard | n[001-032] | uppa | 8 | 1 | 2000 | 5 days | short |
| long | n[001-032] | uppa | 8 | 1 | 2000 | 30 days | short, standard |
| bigmem | bigmem01 | uppa | - | 2000 | 23000 | 5 days | - |
| free | n[001-032] | free | - | 1 | 2000 | - | short, standard,<br/>long |
| gpu | gpu01 | gpu | - | - | - | - | - |
### Regular partitions
* All users can use the following accounts: uppa, free
* short, standard, long, bigmem
### Special partitions
* The free partition
* The gpu partition is only accessible to the members of the gpu account
## Accounting |
\ No newline at end of file |