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Templates LaTeX en lien avec la charte graphique UPPA.
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Mascaron Stephane / MiniSmall
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterMini framework Node JS basé sur le principe d'un automate fini.
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Pour le projet de système d'exploitation TP1
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Examples of simple code snippet (matrix-matrix mutliplication) with various GPU accelerating techniques
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Script pour récupérer les données d'usage de la documentation électronique depuis l'api d'ezMesure
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Poncet Philippe / shopping-list
MIT LicenseSimple repository to practise git basics on a shopping list. Simply add things on the list by editing the list.txt file on a repository you will have cloned. Then commit, push things on the remote repo and check the result on the gitlab interface.
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Perrier Vincent / shopping-list
MIT LicenseSimple repository to practise git basics on a shopping list. Simply add things on the list by editing the list.txt file on a repository you will have cloned. Then commit, push things on the remote repo and check the result on the gitlab interface.
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El Akhal El Bouzidi Mohamad / R504-TP
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Lapeyre Joel / shopping-list
MIT LicenseSimple repository to practise git basics on a shopping list. Simply add things on the list by editing the list.txt file on a repository you will have cloned. Then commit, push things on the remote repo and check the result on the gitlab interface.
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Motz Martin / R504
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated